Gary said he wanted lunch so I came up with an idea, The leftover chicken with taco-bread and sallad.
I thought it was a good idea.
I knew that if I had not said anything he’d just eat chocolate.
so he went out to buy sallad (lettuce) and when we were ready to make lunch he went into the freezer to get chicken so I said why not take the leftovers and then he showed me that there wasnt much left. so I saod I can make chicken as long as you dont have chocolate. What did he do, he went and took and ATE a whole bar of chocolate with daim I think it was, so it was sugar with sugar and some more sugar. I mean he has bveen so good for 5 months, why ruin it all now by eating whole bars of chocolate for lunch. the main reason is lack of breakfast so there isnt an even sugar/energy intake so he lacks that already, but ONE square would suffice to regain the energy lost. Now he’ll probably gain weight and feel bad about it and wonder where it came from.
I am sad but not for me but for him. I want him to do well. He was so proud he was getting thinner and then he does this… I dont understand it…
Maybe he is unhappy inside.
I’ll go ask him..