sixth of december and its spring outside….
One could think we were already on the other side of the world.

12 days until school is completely finished and Mother comes home.

We’re gonna have a surprise for my mother when she gets here.
So dont tell her what it is, ok?

I made Fiber-pasta today and figured out the secret. All other times I have made it it has become soso… but today I let the pasta stay in with the water in the pot for some time after it was due and it made it softer. Good. also the carabonara sauce became good because I put some bacon-grease in it…. Not so healthy but it tasted better.

Soccer on the radio and on the tv.

Last episode of judging Amy tomorrow… Last episode ever apparantly.

I had a hot chocolate today… naughty..
Only because I was cold and it was the only drinkable thing the hot-beverage machine supplied but still..
I guess its not so bad as bacon-grease anyway .. heh.

One 10-15 pages report Due on friday,
One movie due on Monday (I think)
Another 10 pages Report due the 18th.
After that its only the project left.
Hopefully we can have the last presentation on december 30th.
