Things have changed here. I have changed.
Or not really changed. I have started to act like myself.
Some people might think its a little bit strange.. but…
After the break up I was very torn.. Thoughts like ”who am I” ”where do I belong” etc entered my mind.
And then fittingly Carola ( had a post on soulsearching and finding oneself. She said (roughly translated) that why spend Money and Years on trying to find yourself when it is as easy as taking a second to take a deep breath and feel. And think ”I am me, this is me, this is who I am”.
If you do not agree with, or dislike what you feel. Who you feel that you are. Then you have issues to work through, but it doesn’t make what you feel less of who you are. I am gonna try to be myself on all occasions however odd or peculiar I may come across. So far I’ve been described as ”fun”, ”pleasant to be around” and ”nice”. I think that’s a pretty good grade.
I have also learned how to talk to people. Sure, its nothing I gladly do, but if the situation presents itself I can now hold a conversation about ”nothing” (for a short while, it takes practice) ..
I have still to learn to be more tactful in certain situations… but I’m working on it…