Doggie Cat

I haven’t really figured out if the cat’s name is Villa or if it is actually Viva. Hopefully it’ll be straightened out tomorrow.
I wish to stop calling her ”kittycat”…. But she listens to it….

I was thinking of the +es and -es with this particular cat, and I can honestly not think of a single downer.

+ she knows where the toilet is
+ she’s cuddly
+ she’s playful

ah here’s a downer

– she’s too friggin hungry!

+ she’s cute/beautiful
+ she’s calm
+ she knows not to step on the computer keyboard
+ she loves ham (can treat her and Fajsty with the same thing)

– her poo is smelly (but aren’t all cats’?)

So what are you waiting for, you potential owner out there!
This is an amazing cat just waiting for you!