
Mum’s in Phuket
Dad’s in Chiang Rai
Aunt’s in spain
Grandfather is in His own mind

Only me and grandmother left, together with the feet on earth and the mind in the clouds.

Although I think my mind is more in the clouds than hers.

Just a hunch…

Bow bedtime. See if I can move kittycat so I can have my side of the bed back.

I have actually gotten somewhere with my dogtrainercourse-project. Yay.
This is good because I have set myself a due-date of the 1st of December.
This cannot be violated. If it isn’t done by then I fail (in my world).
In reality I can take as long as I want… But that is bad. Better it be done sooner…

Soon we will learn this dance at linedancing:


It looks more fun than the ones we have done so far. =)
I think…