År: 2008

  • more stuff

    Job interview. For the first time ever I sent in a job application with text I would write, not what my mother or anyone else thought I should write. And for the first time a _real_ company called me for interview…. (it’s on the 19th) I don’t really think I can get the job, but…

  • stuff

    Mum’s in Phuket Dad’s in Chiang Rai Aunt’s in spain Grandfather is in His own mind Only me and grandmother left, together with the feet on earth and the mind in the clouds. Although I think my mind is more in the clouds than hers. Just a hunch… Bow bedtime. See if I can move…

  • >bedbuddies

    > Yeah Kittycat and doggie sharing bed. After only a few days of knowing eachother. That’s pretty cool..