År: 2008

  • Now I have a kitty cat… Temporarily… It loves it here though. Wont stop purring unless its hissing at Fajsty. It’s fun. She likes being handled, trusts people, eats anything, Beutiful… I think it’ll be easily sold which is a shame. But I’d rather take care of another poor lonely kittycat than keep this one….

  • Kitty Cat

    Tomorrow I will call about taking care of a cat. It seems dog friendly and used to pottying inside. Gotta get up early tomorrow to get everything ready for her. *puts the alarm to 0800*

  • rodents

    DDR was harder than I remembered… I had also forgotten that the songs came in threes. so 2×3 songs per day this week, and 2×6 next week. haha, gotta love the local post office ”Senders name (if information is available)” ”Thailand” Apparently someone named Thailand sent me a package.. interesting… Everybody is ill… Elin has…