Månad: januari 2010

  • >Tired after an early start

    > We got up before 6 to get m to work on time.

  • Shopping…

    Discount: 731,- Processing Fee: 44,90 Shipping: 0,- Total: 270,- Not too bad eh? 2 pair of pants and spring-curtains. Had to order for more than 200:- for them to bother to send it.. I know it was not on my list, but I found a jacket I really wanted, but they didn’t have that colour anymore……

  • Busy day

    To do today: – Refresh CV’s – Call länsstyrelsen and see if I’m fit for their job. Tomorrow. – Photoshop and upload pictures to the blog – Check for laundry time – Call vet and see if they have a time to cut Happycat’s balls off  Got Tues 09:30. – Find de-worming pills for Happycat…