I am too tired … or maybe I am just ill..
Without fever…
Today I have mainly been horizontal.
On sofa and in bed. Now I feel a bit better.

Tomorrow is Drivingtest and Dentist. Double D . heh..

I had an odd dream about that… The dentist…
I was there for regular checkup and brace-checkup.
Now I have one of those removeavle…
In my dream she said I would get a fixed one.
The kind that people being called ’metal mouth’ and similar has.
I was happy about that because I feel that that kind of brace can do
more for me, for my teeth. She, the dentist, said that she had to take some tests
and we had to go into some other room.
There she pulled out a gigant needle thing and put it in my leg.
I asked what the” ¤ # @ %”  she was doing.
She said I had to do a bone-transplant…
(In the bed next to me was a box of chopped up intestine, skin, brains etc etc… )
I pointed at that and asked ”To THAT?!” .
She said Yes dear… She has never called me dear before.
I wondered why I couldnt decide for myself, I wasnt even dead yet..
I said ”Then I will die” ..
She : Of course dear…
Then I woke up. at 6:35 …

Very strange dream that….

I’ll go re-intake horizontal position.. Just wanted to share that dream…