Not so long

Yesterdays entry was long enough to cover today as well.
I just want to add that I did not go training today. I stayed in my sofa-chair thing most of the day and I actually finished the NZ album.
As far as was possible. I need to ”glue” (double-sided glue paper) some postcards and some broshures still but other than that Everything I need is in. it became 1,5 album so I decided to fill the 0,5 left with postcards I’ve bought.
I havent decided what/how to write yet. I think I will stick to very short comments and not do like I originally planned with long stories…

Tomorrow I will be on the exercycle til it says I have lost >100 calories. (no I am not going to count my life in calories but it seems like a good measure.) and if I dont manage that I will see how many minutes I managed and count from that =) but if 7 minutes is 24 then 28 minutes equals 96 so I guess half an hour is 100… I should manage that.

I’ll keep you posted. Not that I think you care much but it helps me keep track of things too. Time flies.