

Tomorrow (~08:00) I will start the day with an unusually long morningwalk, and thereafter I will work with some web design, then a short dogwalk and off to do some errands….
Then in the afternoon I will go for a dogwalk with B and then Gary will pick him (the dog that is) up after work so that I can tidy up around here. – Highly necessary.

I have also e-mailed the cat-home and said that I’m ready for a new one when they find a suitable one – if they want me to have one again.

Perhaps I will put up before and after pictures when I am done, thats how messy it is at the moment.

I cant go to bed because the dog is asleep on my pillow in a really cute way so I don’t want to move him just yet…
But in 15 minutes I will since I aim to get up at 7:30 to be out at 8.

Okeeej… the 15 minutes became 45 due to bloghopping.

Off to bed immediately though.
