I will:
- receive my diploma this week saying I’m finished with my dog-trainer education.
- put up notices advertising www.caninetricks.net
- read in my economy book (and answer the text questions)
- try to make www.caninetricks.net slightly easier to navigate
- start preparing mentally and practically for having doggieclasses
- start brushing the dogs teeth more often since it wasn’t half as hard as I imagined
- update www.annasuss.com/fajsty/ a lot, in 10-20 days or so.
- visit a Bengal breeder when we’re on Öland anyway.
- try to see if I can acquire a good sound recorder for the lectures on Öland.
http://www.netonnet.se/index.asp?iid=98582 is nice but a tad pricey.
http://www.netonnet.se/index.asp?iid=98579 is good enough probably
I found http://www.parabol-net.se/digital-diktafon-radio-p-164.html but I dont know if it’s any good - study a lot this summer
- try hard to get a job so I have an income that is not borrowed money.