
A while ago I posted definitions of Friend.

I had an intention to discuss around the definitions but I didn’t have the time at that time.

Now I have time.

Definition of Friend: ”A person you know well and regard with affection and trust”
Wiki defines several kinds of friendships: ”Best friend, Romantic friendship, SoulmatePen pal, Internet friendship, Blood brother, Roommate, Imaginary friend

Acquaintance: ”similar to a friend, but sharing of emotional ties aren’t present. An example would be a coworker whom you enjoy eating lunch with, but would not look to for emotional support…”
I have a few of those I have learned. One’s a hairdresser, a few are dogowners, one’s an instructor…

Using these definitions I start with best friend, I don’t have a person in my surrounding that would fit the definition of best friend. ”A person with whom someone shares extremely strong interpersonal ties with as a friend” this is probably because I have always ended up dating potential friends.. Perhaps I have one, but since I have dated that person too I don’t know if it counts…

Romantic Friends. I had once. It was the greatest. Wiki describes RF as: ”the very close but non-sexual friendship shared between two friends, often involving physical contact such as hugging, holding hands, and even cuddling”. I’d call this platonic love.

Soulmate – This word is sort of scary, To me it just means someone who you have known in an earlier life, it does not necessarily mean your life partner or the love of your life. Just a person who you get on well with from the start and who it feels like you have always known.
I have one of those, at least.

Pen Pal – Well… Don’t really write letters anymore… Shame really.

Internet Friendship – There are a few people out there, some have hung around for years, some are more recent. The most recent person I regard Internet Friend is Emelie.

Don’t have any Blood Brothers or sisters either, nor room mates.

Never really had an imaginary friend…. but sometimes pretend that people are more friends with me, or closer friends, than they really are. This recently got me in trouble… so I’ll try to stop doing that and just see the reality… because the reality is:

I have friends. Real friends.
Emma – She’s a soon to be hairdresser who shares my view on dog training.
All my exes are still my friends (as far as I know)…
B – He’s a soon to be teacher at the university. He makes time for at least one doggiewalk with me every week. And he fixed my kitchen lights.

Gloria – So far away but so close at the same time. 

T & P might not always be around, but if needed they probably would be.

Two of my neighbours, they’re Christian and sisters and really nice. They don’t mind talking to me.
Perhaps still only acquaintances right now but working on the friendship bit.

Another two neighbours are also Acquaintances, people I don’t mind talking to every now and then but I wouldn’t trouble for emotional support.