År: 2008

  • Not soo happy.

    I’m still generally happy but one particular subject or event is bothering me quite a lot right now …. My instructor, M, and my ’friend’ H, both know what my project is for the doggietrainereducation. It is to write or, find out how to best write, a tricks training book. This they know. They also know…

  • >the HAIL

    >yesterday there was thunder and HAIL

  • http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Y3Cq8SVaD78/SQa1c5ze0HI/AAAAAAAAAX8/7RyH0hbybMI/s1600-h/DSC00346.JPG It didn’t like having a picture here from blogger so I link to the picture instead… Told you it was hailing…