År: 2008

  • >Ethymology

    >feisty 1896, Amer.Eng. from feist ”small dog,” from fice, fist Amer.Eng. 1805 ”small dog,” short for fysting curre ”stinking cur,” attested from 1529, from M.E. fysten, fisten ”break wind” (1440), related to O.E. fisting ”stink.” The 1811 slang dictionary defines fice as ”a small windy escape backwards, more obvious to the nose than ears; frequently…

  • >Summer

    > It is so warm and lovely for me, but but Fajsty wants to do is get soaked to cool down. If there is time we will go to the beach tonight.

  • >Long time no blog

    >When life constantly comes to bite you in the ass then you don’t have much time to blog… The passed few days have been school only so my father has had the dog for quite some time. But last night we went out on a walk over the field, I let him off because there…