Ciao amicos 😉
To study italian would be silly for one or two reasons; I might replace the spanish words instead of remembering them seperately. I might mix it VERY much. But I will take my chances… til today I have managed to remember it separately… Table .,.. It took some time to remember the spanish word … but I did… and ”give me ” is the same… da me /da mi … the pronouns are different but the verb is the same….
Ah… I saw the fresh breeze again today. I must say he is the main sight of this trip 😉 his born in madrid but raised in Ostra (Italy) ,,, He says he is a true italian but I think he’s more spanish than he’d like to admit .. He said he would come visit me in sweden 😉 .. that will never happen but it was a nice gesture to say so…
I miss my bed very much… or moreso my pillows…!! Glorias pillow isnt good for my neck… :S
Excuse all typos… I am not looking at the screen more than I can help (my eyes hurt) it wasnt so bad when we were outside and I was busy trying to get what they were talking about.. but now it all came back, with force..
🙁 bad bad bad head….
I hope my mother has fixed a chiropractor apointment for me.. its necessary… I wish the prices were as in NZ … 100:- for an apt..
anyway… thats the main ponts for today…
(yesterday… )