
things are really really hectic now..
The things I HAVE to do goes before the things I WANT to do.
its rare but I guess thats what university is all about 😉
I sort of want to do it too, but in my tempo.. not all at the same time…
Right now I ought to be studuying for an exam… I am printing stuff atm to I took a break and decided to tell yall how things are

This is the reason I havent been so easy to get hold of… I dont think I will be for the coming weeks either..
I will try to get a dentist and a chiropractor apointment sometime in the nearweeks … cause its really necessary …

I have 3 flashtutorials I should have done today but they were horribly boring and uninteresting… after half I was almost asleep so I skipped it…. after dinner I will try to convince the italians to help me with something and after that I will teach my father how to downsize images…. I dont know how to generate it in Fireworks (I forgot) so photoshop will do…

then I will try to make something understandable out of my schedule….

Then I will read my book again…

Mood=Grumpy cause its that time of the month… been really rude to ppl lately… ^_- bad bad …