more stuff

Job interview.

For the first time ever I sent in a job application with text I would write, not what my mother or anyone else thought I should write.
And for the first time a _real_ company called me for interview…. (it’s on the 19th)

I don’t really think I can get the job, but since honesty has worked well so far I think it’s a good idea to be honest.

I don’t know how many people they are calling to interview either. . . It could be as many as 50, but I think 10 to 15 is a more reasonable number.

Its a small company (10 people employed) with big ideas (planning to expand to Asia).

I’ll post what I wrote in the application, in case you’re curious.


”Du är även uppmärksam och noggrann och har redan funderat på hur du ska upplysa oss om felet i texten…”
Det stämmer ganska bra på mig, men jag saknar stor taktkänsla så hur länge jag än funderade skulle det nog bli ganska rakt på:
”Menade ni inte CMYK?”
( CMYD står för congenital myotonic dystrophy – ett stadie av en slags muskelsjukdom)

Jag har inte någon praktisk erfarenhet av marknadsföring, ej heller någon utbildning i ämnet.
Jag har dock gått en kurs i ”internetmarknadsföring”.

Varför jag ändå skulle kunna vara intressant för detta jobb:
– Jag har relativt lätt för språk, skicka mig på en kurs och jag tar till mig allt.
– Jag behärskar nästan hela Adobes CS3 PS, AI, DW, FL för att nämna några.
– Jag kan och gör allt jag blir tillsagt att göra.
– Jag tar egna initiativ vid behov.
– Jag har erfarenhet av mässverksamhet genom Reklamateljen
– Jag är ung och kunskapshungrig, ni kan forma mig till vad ni vill.
   (vilket iofs är dåligt om ni inte har tid att forma någon)

Värt ett försök i alla fall..


Susanna Larsdotter

”You’re attentive and thorough and have already thought about how to tell us about the mistake in the text….”
That’s a pretty accurate description of me, but I don’t have much tact so no matter how long I thought about it, it would probably be pretty direct:
”didn’t you mean CMYK?”
(CMYD stands for congenital myotonic dystrophy – some sort of muscle disease)

I have not any practical experience of marketing, nor any education in the field.
Though I have attended a class in ”Internet marketing”.

Why I could be interesting anyway:
– I learn pretty easily, Send me to a course and I will pick up most of it pretty fast.
– I know most of the programmed included in Adobes CS3
– I can and do everything I am told to do
– I will take own initiatives when needed
– I have some exhibition experience (through Reklamateljen)..
– I am young and knowledge-thirsty, you can shape me to whatever you want.
  (which could be bad if time is an issue)

Worth a try anyway (referring to me applying for this job)

best regards


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The cat went to the vet and she was really well behaved, but she really doesn’t like the car…
She screams and cries the whole way…

I guess its unnatural for her being in a loud monster…

Right now I will tidy and sort papers

Tomorrow is shopping for grandmother
* Potatoes
* Carrots
* Mince
* Eggs

I’ll give her some chocolate cake too…
And I am gonna buy a bday/xmas present for Emma…

– – – – –

The doggieproject is coming along slowly….
It wont be the greatest piece I have written but the ”Suggestions for future research” will be extensive .

Hmm an idea…

An online learning game for dog training with positive methods!
It could work…. 

*planning it*