Månad: oktober 2004
”dont drown”
(I backdated this entry to when I wrote it so it would not show when it was typed.) I am thinking about friends, friendship and things like that…. Best friend; Who qualifies to be a best friend? I have only had one, who I knew enough to cherish every second I spent with, I had a feeling already…
I had another weird dream this morning…. I cant remember much of it right now, but it was a party… and on this party someone had got beaten up by someone else. this person was a very angry little person who had come to misunderdstand or intentionally misinterpret things… On the party there were also an…
(started typing at umm.. about 23:20) Some people .. Well basically just one person.. says I sleep too many hours. I dont think I do. Usually not. I think I am awake too many hours. But then again, who is the judge of whether it is sufficient or too much, or even too little? (soccer)…