Månad: oktober 2004
A pleasant but sad mallorcan experience
This is a story about another thing that happened on Mallorca. My friend on the interntcafe had quit, in his place came a female. I did not like her at all at first. I thought she was the girlfriend of my friend. Then I started talking to her, she was alone in there and I…
a Mallorcan memory….
Okay, this entry could be deemed as more proper. Since it is alligned to right and since it will be normal in every other way too? Ehm, whats normal anyway? Nevermind… In my last entry I wrote that I would share something. Something that happened on Mallorca. It was in April this year. I was…
Interests …
I just read a list of one persons interests.. that got me thinking… Which are my interests? What is an interest? How would you define an interest? (according to dictionary.com) Noun: A state of curiosity or concern about or attention to something: an interest in sports. Something, such as a quality, subject, or activity, that…