Månad: augusti 2005

  • Ciao amicos 😉 To study italian would be silly for one or two reasons; I might replace the spanish words instead of remembering them seperately. I might mix it VERY much. But I will take my chances… til today I have managed to remember it separately… Table .,.. It took some time to remember the…

  • late one

    today was an .. sort of eventful day.. Not much happened in the morning because of my lack of sleep. I could not sleep for severlal hours and then in the morning once I had woken up I couldnt go back to sleep. we didnt do much during the day… we went to senegallia and…

  • to keep you posted

    am downloading adaware at 1kbps so I decided to type some while at it, I should really read my book but its boring….I think a moskito has bit my hand, either that or I have accidentally touched some plant.. Lots of things has happened since I wrote here regularly … Hmm download complete.. I guess…