Månad: september 2004

  • I am waiting for the my hair to become coloured.  Neglecting my horse one more day.  I keep telling myself and my mother that it is because of the wind I don’t want to go to stable, but that isn’t true. I do want to go to stable, no matter how the weather is. Its my mother who…

  • Entry number two. (dont worry, I wont count them from now on) The New Zealand flight is already paid and booked, but before going there in january I will need to: Pass my Drivers licence test See to that my pony has somewhere to be when I am away (if things work out) Go to…

  • My first entry

    How come things never turn out the way they should? Do they turn out the way they are meant to? Does it even matter? I dont think it does. What happens happen. Even if it isnt for the best, it happened and there is nothing I or anyone else can to to make it ’unhappen’….